6 Best Resistance Band Tricep Exercises For Growth
If you want big arms, you’ve got to give attention to your triceps. They may not be as showy as the biceps, but they take up two-thirds of your upper arm and, when developed, give the back of your arm an impressive horseshoe shape.
Working the triceps in a gym typically involves doing cable machine exercises. If you’re working out at home, though, you’re unlikely to have access to that sort of equipment. Fortunately, there’s a way to get an incredibly effective triceps workout at home with nothing but your body weight and a set of resistance bands.

Yes, resistance bands!
Maybe you’re one of those people who thought resistance bands were solely for beginners or those who want a ‘light’ workout. Well, prepare to have your mind expanded. In this article, I’m about to lay out an intense resistance band tricep workout for serious athletes and bodybuilders.
Let’s get into it.
Triceps Anatomy
The triceps is a three headed muscle group on the back of the upper arm. The three heads are known as:
- Long head
- Lateral (outer) head
- Medial (inner) head
The long head of the triceps originates on the shoulder blade and runs beneath the shoulder joint and down the back of the upper arm. The lateral and medial heads originate on the top of the upper arm bone (humerus) and run down the humerus as well,
All three heads fuse just above the elbow and then pass beyond the elbow joint to insert into the ulna, which is one of your forearm bones.
The primary function of the triceps is to cause extension at the elbow. This action straightens the arm. Because the long head attaches to the shoulder blade, it is also partially involved in shoulder extension.
Setting Up For Your Resistance Band Triceps Workout
This resistance band workout requires four things:
- A resistance loop band
- A door anchor
- A set of resistance band handles
- An internal door
We’ve got you covered on the first three - the last one you’ll have to supply yourself!
Iron Bull Strength Monster Bands are ideally suited for this tricep resistance band workout. These loop bands are available in the following color and strength options:
- Yellow: 5lb-15lb
- Red: 10lb-35lb
- Black: 30lb-60lb
- Purple: 40lb-80lb
- Green: 50lb-125lb
- Blue: 65lb-175lb
Iron Bull Strength Monster Bands are made from tough, durable natural latex. They deliver a smooth, consistent resistance so that you get maximum benefit from every rep.
If you don’t have an internal door to attach your loop resistance band to, you can use the frame of a squat rack or power rack.
Resistance Band Tricep Workout
This resistance band tricep workout involves six exercises done in a circuit fashion. For unilateral exercises (one arm at a time), do a set with the right arm and then repeat with the left arm. That means you do all six exercises in succession with 20-30 seconds of rest between them. You then take a 2-minute rest before repeating the circuit. Work up to doing three rounds of the circuit.
You will be doing 15 reps on every set of every exercise. This workout will provide you with a tremendous pump in your triceps. Use a band with sufficient intensity that the last 2-3 reps on every set are challenging but still manageable with proper form.
Here’s the entire tricep exercise with bands workout:
Exercise |
Reps |
Rest |
High Downward Overhead Extension |
15 |
20-30 seconds |
High One Arm Pushdowns (left and right arms) |
15 |
20-30 seconds |
Middle One Arm Side Extension |
15 |
20-30 seconds |
Low Overhead Extension |
15 |
20-30 seconds |
Low Palms Back Kickback |
15 |
20-30 seconds |
The Exercises
This workout uses three different levels of resistance points to vary the way the triceps are engaged. To do this, we’ll use a door anchor, which we position differently on different exercises.
High Downward Overhead Extension
Step-by-Step Guide:
- Loop your resistance band through a door anchor. Position the door anchor along the top of a closed internal door. Take hold of the handles with an overhand grip and step away from the door to place tension on the band. Stagger your feet with your right foot forward.
- Extend your arms overhead, with your elbows alongside your head.
- From a starting position with your arms bent at 90 degrees, extend your arms to full extension.
- Return to the start position under control and repeat.
- Breathe out as you extend your arms; breathe in on the return.
Training Tips:
- Do not allow your elbows to move out from your head,
- Don’t buck with your hips or otherwise use momentum.
- Make sure to fully extend your arms to full lockout.
High One Arm Pushdowns
Step-by-Step Guide:
- Loop your resistance band through a door anchor. Position the door anchor along the top of a closed internal door. Stand facing the door and grab both handles with your right hand. Move back to palace tension on the band.
- Place your elbow at your side with your arm bent at 90 degrees.
- Extend the arm to full extension.
- Return to the start position under control.
- Breathe out as you push the band down; breathe in on the return.
Training Tips:
- Keep your elbow at your side throughout the entire movement.
- Press down to full arm extension on every repetition.
Middle One Arm Side Extension
Step-by-Step Guide:
- Loop your resistance band through a door anchor. Position the door anchor midway down an internal door so it is at lower chest height. Stand side on to the door and grab both band handles with your outer hand. Bring your arm up to shoulder level and bend the elbow so your hand is touching your lower chest.
- Extend your arm directly out to full extension.
- Return to the start position under control.
Training Tips:
- Keep your elbow at shoulder level; don’t let it drop.
- Keep your torso upright and stationary; the only movement should be elbow extension.
Middle Tate Press
Step-by-Step Guide:
- Loop your resistance band through a door anchor. Position the door anchor at hip level and stand facing away from the door, with the band handles held with an overhand grip. Bring your arms to shoulder level and bend your elbows to bring your hands to your chest.
- Extend your arms to full extension.
- Return to the start position.
Training Tips:
- Hold your elbows at shoulder level throughout the movement.
- Maintain a neutral spine.
Low Overhead Extension
Step-by-Step Guide:
- Loop your resistance band through a door anchor. Position the anchor through the bottom of the door. Stand facing away from the door and grab the handles with an overhand grip. Stagger your legs with the right foot forward.
- Bring your arms overhead and bend your elbows to 90 degrees so your hands are alongside your ears. Adjust your position to create tension on the band.
- Extend your arms to full extension.
- Lower under control.
Training Tips:
- Keep your elbows at your sides the whole time.
- Fully extend your arms on each rep.
Low Palms Back Kickback
Step-by-Step Guide:
- Loop your resistance band through a door anchor. Position the anchor through the bottom of the door. Stand facing away from the door and grab the handles with an overhand grip.
- Hinge at your hips to bring your torso to a 45-degree position on the floor. Place your hands at your sides with your elbows bent at 90 degrees.
- Extend your arms back to full extension.
- Return to the start position under control.
Training Tips:
- Do not round your back; maintain a natural lower back arch.
- Avoid bucking the hips to create momentum.
Training Safety Tips
- Do not overstretch the bands. You will get a feel for what 100% of elongation looks like. Do not stretch beyond this point. If you do, you are likely to cause tiny tears in the band material.
- Wear shoes. Some band exercises require you to loop the band under your feet. To avoid discomfort, be sure to wear a quality pair of athletic training shoes. Don’t, though, wear abrasive shoes or those with sharp edges on the soles, as this may damage the band.
- When you wrap the band around a solid upright, protect both the band and the upright by putting a piece of soft cloth between them.
- Do not thread your resistance band through a wire fence. When you apply tension to the band, the wire may cut through the rubber material.
- Store your band in a cool, dry place. If it gets overheated, it can become brittle and lose its elasticity. Don’t leave the band exposed to direct sunlight for an extended length of time.
- Give your band a quick visual check before using it. Look out for signs of wear. If you notice a small tear in the band, do not use it. Before looping the band around any fixed object, you should also check that object for any sharp areas that may cut into or otherwise cause damage to the band.
- Always warm up before you begin working out with resistance bands. Your warm-up should include cardio and dynamic stretching.
Band Exercises for Triceps FAQ
Q: Can you build triceps with resistance bands?
A: Yes, you can build triceps with resistance bands. Bands allow you to work your triceps with complete concentric contraction. So long as you are using a band resistance that exerts adaptive stress on the triceps, you will create the conditions for strength and muscle development.
Q: How to do tricep pull-downs with resistance bands?
A: Loop your resistance band through a door anchor and attach the anchor to the top of an internal door. Stand facing the door and grab the band handles with an overhand grip. Move back to create band tension, then hold your arms at your sides with your elbows bent at 90 degrees. Press your arms down to full extension.
Q: Can you really build muscle with resistance bands?
A: Yes, you can build muscle with bands. Bands are a form of resistance that places adaptive stress on your muscles. Provided that you are using sufficient resistance to challenge your muscles, they will respond by getting slightly bigger and stronger.
Q: How to do banded tricep kickbacks?
A: To do banded tricep kickbacks, anchor the band at hip level, then stand facing the anchor point a few feet away from it. Grab the bands in both hands at your sides with elbows bent. Bend down to form a 45-degree angle with your torso. Now extend your arms behind you to full extension.
Wrap Up
This resistance band tricep workout can be done anywhere, anytime. You can either perform multiple rounds of the workout or do a single round as a finisher to a machine and free weight workout. Either way, it will give you a fantastic triceps pump and set you up for massive strength and muscle gains.