WOD 11/20/23
- Adductor triangle 15/15/15/side
- Hamstring stretch on box 30/30
- Gemini thoracic 1min
- Foam roller upper back while holding bar full extension in jerk grip 3X10sec hold, rest 5sec b/t stretches)
- Soft Ball Q.L. 30/30sec
- Squat Bottom stretch 20sec
- Wrist stretch 20/20/20
- 10X B&H extension on floor (hold 5sec up)
- 10X scapula elevation depression
- 10X Strict Press
- Calfs extension 3 poses 10-10-10
- D.L. ramp up to first bar
A. D.L. X5 EMOM 3 @ 70%
REST 2min
B. D.L. X3 EMOM 3 @80%.
REST 2min
C. D.L. 1-1-1 (84-88-92%).
REST 2min
D. 3 rounds:
- Strict Press 7-5-3-1 (60-70-80-90%), rest 30sec
- OHS X10 @75/55 (From the ground), rest 30sec
- CTB X5, rest min
E. 3 rounds for time :
15 cals Row
30 DU