Rated 4.2 out of 5 stars
6 Reviews

Alpha Grips 3.0''

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Alpha Grips 3.0''

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Une Prise Plus Grande pour des Bras Plus Grands

Les Alpha Grips 3.0 ont été conçus pour transformer rapidement n'importe quelle barre, haltère et fixation par câble en une barre épaisse de 3 pouces de diamètre. Cette taille est idéale pour les haltérophiles avancés ayant de l'expérience en entraînement.

Une barre de diamètre plus épais stimule plus de fibres musculaires dans les mains, les avant-bras, les bras supérieurs et tout le haut du corps grâce à l'effet d'irradiation. Cela conduit à des gains de taille et de force musculaire plus importants et plus rapides.

Adapté à tous les niveaux de condition physique

Choisissez entre trois diamètres différents (2 po, 2.5 po ou 3 po) pour correspondre à votre force de prise ou à la taille de votre main. À mesure que votre force augmente, passez à une prise plus grande pour continuer à progresser.

Devenez plus grand, plus fort plus rapidement

Nos Alpha Grips activent plus de fibres musculaires, ce qui conduit à une croissance musculaire plus importante à chaque répétition. Une prise plus forte signifie également que vous pouvez soulever plus de poids sur n'importe quel exercice.

Facile à utiliser

Transformez n'importe quelle barre à prise standard, haltère ou fixation par câble en entraînement avec barre épaisse. Installez-les en quelques secondes et récoltez instantanément les bénéfices !

Technical Specs

Matériau Caoutchouc Haute Densité
Diamètre 3 po
Longueur 4.75 po
Poids 2.6 lb
Forme Ovale
Vendu par Paires Vendu par Paires

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Rated 4.2 out of 5 stars
Based on 6 reviews
Total 5 star reviews: 3 Total 4 star reviews: 1 Total 3 star reviews: 2 Total 2 star reviews: 0 Total 1 star reviews: 0
67%would recommend this product
6 reviews
  • JL Profile picture for Jopguy L.google logo
    Jopguy L.
    Verified Buyer
    What type of training do you primarily focus on? General Fitness
    What is your current Squat max? 200-299 lbs
    What is your current Bench Press max? 100-199 lbs
    What is your current Deadlift max? 300-399 lbs
    Rated 3 out of 5 stars
    3 months ago
    Not for the faint hearted...

    When I got these grips I was extremely impressed by the build quality. They were solid and robust.

    Too robust in fact that it is almost impossible to pry them open and put on the bar. I had to stick a small screwdriver handle in between the opening to loosen the grips. Once they widened, I set them on the ez curl bar I was using. After a total of 3 days of loosening the opening, I finally managed to brute force the grip onto the bar by jamming it in. It fits in well and the grip is not coming loose anytime soon.

    I would caution anyone buying this if they plan to use the grip interchangeably with different bars/equipment. It is almost impossible to put on and take off. As a positive I know that the grip will last and not shift and move on my bar. The grip feels really solid and good in the hands when curling.

  • MM
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    What type of training do you primarily focus on? Bodybuilding, Powerlifting
    What is your current Squat max? 200-299 lbs
    What is your current Bench Press max? 100-199 lbs
    What is your current Deadlift max? 100-199 lbs
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    4 months ago
    D BEST!


  • JC
    juan c.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    What type of training do you primarily focus on? CrossFit
    What is your current Squat max? 100-199 lbs
    What is your current Bench Press max? 100-199 lbs
    What is your current Deadlift max? 200-299 lbs
    Rated 4 out of 5 stars
    7 months ago
    It really does work

    If you have never used these I woud start with the smaller ones first so your hand and fingers get use to it. Cause they do tend to get soar. If you start with the thicker ones you may not be able to complete the exercise. I got the 2.5 and 3 to start me off. 2.5 has really created more finger muscle fibers cause I feel my grip strength much more stronger. I can hold on to barbels and any rods much more longer when not using these grips strength enhancers. I feel like my hand shake is much more solid. Handshake, because I do a few business meetings and I shake hands a lot.

  • GA
    Gabriel A.
    Verified Buyer
    What type of training do you primarily focus on? General Fitness
    Rated 3 out of 5 stars
    7 months ago
    Rubber is too firm.

    I can deadlift 400lbs without straps, and I lift with a 2.25" axle all the time, but the real test of finger strength is just opening these darn things up to put onto a bar or dumbbells. I like these grips, I just wish the rubber was a little less firm so I didn't have to kill myself putting them on/taking them off every time I want to use them.

  • RB
    Richard B.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    8 months ago

    I had heard about these for years and decided to order some. Simply amazing…it cause so many more muscle fibres to be recruited. I plan to use it them for many many years.